Store Benefits

Educate your retail store staff on Sexual Health and Wellness Topics to provide the best customer experience.

The potential benefits for you as a retail store operator include increased product knowledge and expert advice for consumers as they shop in your store.

“73% say product knowledge is what
they need most from a sales associate.”

  • Educate your retail store staff on Sexual Health and Wellness Topics to provide the best customer experience.
  • Your employees become more productive during downtimes within the workweek.
  • Many retail store operators report an increase of 10% in revenue or more while providing a positive retail experience for consumers.
  • Enhance your cross-selling & upselling techniques with in-store recommendations.
  • Recognize your employees learning efforts with certifications.
  • Provide a better in-store experience for your customers.

“50% of customers are
looking for expert advice
on what to buy when they enter a store.”

People want to see and feel a product… They want the shopping experience